BEAVER BANK: The food drive put on by the volunteer firefighters with Station 48 in Beaver Bank was an astounding success.
The food drive, in support of Gateway Food Bank in Sackville, saw the department collect 31 full boxes of food along with more than $1,650 in monetary donations.
All the food collected will be distributed to families in need this holiday season, and the money will be used to assist in getting much needed food to the shelves of the food bank.
The food drive by Station 48 received support from the Beaver Bank-Kinsac Lions Club; Ivy Meadows; the general public; and the Beaver Bank Awareness Association.
“We delivered the donations to the Gateway Food Bank and they were beyond appreciative,” a Facebook post from the volunteer fire department said.
“They told us we were helping a lot of families in need.”

The volunteers with the department, that serves Beaver Bank and Kinsac and surrounding area, wanted to extend a huge thank you yo all those who contributed donations towards their food drive.
They wished everyone a Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays.