Home Column Page 19


A SMILE-filled thank you!

Who would have thought a simple conversation about me needing dental surgery would have blossomed into what Pat’s Smile Day turned out to be. In December 2017, I mentioned to Barry Dalrymple, who I have...

LETTER: A Smile Day for Pat scheduled for May 26

To the Editor: Pat Healey, our local Laker and Weekly Press reporter for many years has always been much more than that.  Pat has been a tremendous community supporter, a friend to all, a volunteer...

COLUMN: Bill’s blog by MLA Bill Horne

February has been a busy month in our community. I have attended many community meetings and events and especially enjoyed the visitation with Fall River’s Brian Jones of the Toronto Argonauts and his presentation...

COLUMN: MPs News & Views with MP Darrell Samson

Dear friends, A big thank you to everyone who came out to attend our Family Skate at the Sackville Arena on Heritage Day. More than 300 residents enjoyed the light exercise, chili, hot chocolate and...

COLUMN: Not letting depression stop me

Do you ever have days where you want to just stay in bed, under the warm blankets and not get up? I don’t mean those days you want to be lazy or are still...

MPS News & Views with MP Darrell Samson

Dear friends, January was a busy but exciting month for our riding. It was the first time in our history that a sitting Prime Minister has visited Sackville-Preston-Chezzetcook. Not only was I proud to host...

OPINION: Child poverty needs to be addressed

It would seem that some don’t think child poverty is a problem in Fall River because it is a wealthy community. At least that’s the vibe I get from the coffee shops, talking to...

COLUMN: O’Leary – the little town that could

Last week, I took a mini-vacation to PEI. There was a reason why I would go to the Island after summer has ended and just a few days into the fall season. It was...

Rollercoasters aren’t always fun

I’ve never been a fan of rollercoasters—and I can see why after recent ups and downs as I deal with depression. Just like the real rollercoaster, the ones I have had happen lately have you...

COLUMN: Suffering through the perils of mental illnesses

Since I have informed people that I have been diagnosed with and am struggling with depression, the reaction has been much different than I expected. I had expected a different reaction, one that contained the...
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