Happy Back to School! I hope you all had a relaxing summer and are ready for the fall. I certainly had a busy summer and I would like to share the activities I participated in with you. Back in July, I visited six parks and beaches in the riding in order to meet with community members. The weather was beautiful and I enjoyed handing out freezies and hearing about everyone’s summer plans and concerns.
I visited the Gordon Snow Centre in Fall River, Oakfield Provincial Park, Kinsmen Park Sackville, Porters Lake Provincial Park, Lawrencetown Beach and Rainbow Haven Beach. Thank you to everyone who came up to meet me, I had a wonderful visit of the beautiful natural spaces in our community.
We had the Honourable Minister of Health Ginette Pettipas-Taylor, visit our riding and tour different areas of the region. We first travelled over to beautiful Cow Bay, to attend the tea at the Cow Bay Hall. The Minister and I enjoyed discussing different government topics over a fresh pot of tea and savouring some delicious treats with community members. Once finished, we did an interview at Seaside FM. We finished our day by heading to the Springfield Lake Rec Centre, where I hosted a BBQ for community members. I got to take part in an interview with the Sackville Radio and see the different programs the Rec Centre runs. I was pleased to see so many youth from the centre participated in our community colouring contest, as I got to learn about what makes their community special.
I also popped in for a visit at the Windsor Junction Community Centre in August, to see their summer programs and chat with the summer students about their experiences. I enjoyed meeting with the kids who taught me a dance they had learned at the camp and told me all about their summer. I look forward to visiting again soon.
I also had the opportunity to attend the Waverley Legion Honours and Awards Ceremony at the Waverley Legion in July. This ceremony honours the legion’s volunteers for their years of service, without whom, the legion could not run its many wonderful programs such as the Friday Fish & Chips. Congratulations to all the volunteers who won awards, your dedication does not go unnoticed.
I was honoured to once again host the Fultz House Tea in Lower Sackville on Tuesday August 7th. Every Tuesday in the summer, different organizations take turns hosting the tea in order to fundraise for the Fultz House Museum. I would like to thank the Sackville Seniors Association for catering on our behalf and everyone who came out to support the museum. We had a lovely afternoon!
Through the Canada 150 Fund, the community of North Preston received $145,000 to upgrade the North Preston Sports Field. I got to participate in and announce the Grand Opening of the Field as part of the North Preston Days Celebrations. Recreational amenities like the Sports Field are important for our communities, as they serve as gathering places for residents, families and visitors. They also do much more than that: they raise the quality of life, stimulate economic activity and build vitality in our communities. I am excited that the field is now open and that community members have a place to play and stay active!
Darrell J. Samson, M.P.
I would like to once again wish Mrs. Florence Webber a very happy 110th birthday. Mrs. Webber lives in Porters Lake, in our riding and had a party on July 22nd surrounded by her family and friends. I had the opportunity to attend and chat with Mrs. Webber about past birthdays and achieving this important milestone. Best wishes for another happy year!
Colouring Contest Winners:
Congratulations to everyone who participated in our “What Community Means to Me” Colouring Contest. There were many great submissions and I was happy to see the different things that make your community special. Here are the three winners for our contest:
Six and Under Category: Jacob Marriott, Sackville, age 6
Seven to Nine Category: Phoebe Murphy, Lake Echo-Porters Lake, age 8
Ten to Twelve Category: Jack S., Upper Sackville, age 12
Visit me online at:
– Website: dsamson.liberal.ca
– Facebook: www.facebook.com/darrellsamsonliberal
– Twitter: @darrellsamson
– Email: darrell.samson@parl.gc.ca