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HRM: The following is a municipal statement regarding privacy and recording rules in municipally-owned arenas:

Due to public health restrictions that prohibit spectators in facilities, including arenas, and recent changes permitting games, the municipality has received intense interest to record and livestream in our arenas, especially among hockey groups.

Recording/livestreaming of participants has not been permitted in municipal facilities including arenas. This practice has been in place for many years in order to protect the privacy of participants.

The municipality appreciates the interest and desire to be able to live stream games in light of the current circumstances.

The municipality, Hockey Nova Scotia and other partners are currently working on possible approaches to allow live-streaming in a way that still meets privacy requirements.

It is important to note that safety of participants and visitors remains our number one priority. Privacy considerations will be paramount during these discussions.

Updates on this matter will be provided once discussions with our partners are completed.