Nova Scotia Walk Day sees more than 100 groups participate

HRM: Hundreds of people stepped out on May 8.

Hike Nova Scotia, along with partners and volunteers, celebrated walking and how it connects us to our communities and to each other.  More than 100 group walks took place in 54 communities, workplaces and schools across the province. 

“We were delighted to see so many Nova Scotians enjoying group walks today from Yarmouth to Sydney, from Amherst to Dartmouth and so many points in between,” says Catherine Droesbeck, Program Manager with Hike Nova Scotia.

“ A huge thank you to our many walk leaders and partners for organizing and leading the walks.” 


“Walking or wheeling is a safe and enjoyable way for anyone to get more physically active. Most of the health benefits of physical activity can be achieved from walking.

“People who walk in a group have the added benefit of social connections in addition to healthier bodies and minds,“ says Dr. Robert Strang, Chief Medical Officer of Health in Nova Scotia.

Nova Scotia Walk Day was supported by the Province of Nova Scotia, the Government of Canada, Make Your Move and the Dairy Farmers of Nova Scotia.

Hike NS encourages and promotes a growing walking and hiking culture throughout the province. NS Walks is Hike NS’s free walking group program that helps less active adults enjoy the benefits of walking.