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Columns from local politicians.

COLUMN: MPs News & Views with Darrell Samson

CONGRATULATIONS TO THE GRADS! Congratulations on graduating! Chasing a dream requires effort, passion, and hard work. Keep it up and continue to strive. I am looking forward to attending as many of the graduation ceremonies as...

COLUMN: Premier Houston on healthcare worker retention

The following column is a new monthly piece that is being submitted by Premier Tim Houston to community news outlets across the province. The last few years have been long and hard, especially for our...

COLUMN: N.S. election is Aug. 17. Make your vote count

by Joni Snair, PT, Founder/Owner & Physiotherapist, Safe at Home Physiotherapy The Nova Scotia Provincial Elections are taking place on Tuesday, August 17. Many people may be worried about going to the polls. What are...

COLUMN: When the going gets tough, the tough explore their options

This column is submitted by Fall River Law: For a lot of us, when we are faced with conflict our response of to run and bury our heads in the sand and hope that it...

COLUMN: People who experience mental illness do not need our help to die —...

The following piece is from QUOI Media Group and used with permission It is written by Moira Wilson who is the President of Inclusion Canada and the parent of an adult son with a disability. By...

COLUMN: Practice makes progress

Column sponsored by: Almost everyone can relate to those days of learning an instrument and hearing “you need to practice.” It is so true: in order to progress on your instrument, you need to...

COLUMN: How to create good inheritors

For many families, the subject of wealth is rarely discussed. It can be a taboo, an elephant in the room, or perhaps even a secret, known by the parents but not their offspring. This...

COLUMN: Wealth advice from Jennifer Rideout, Assante Capital

This column brought to you by: Volatility: A Misunderstood Friend in Disguise When markets become rocky, the term volatility gets used a lot. For some investors, it’s a bit of a scary word, often used to...

OP-ED: Sackville Wilderness Park Now

We need nature now more than ever. If there's one lesson to take away from these challenging times of lockdowns and social distancing, it’s the importance of natural spaces for our physical and mental...

Wellness Within: Spring cleaning for your health: Tips for refreshing your body

This column is brought to you by: by Deborah Peddle-Hann As the crocus and tulips start to burst through the ground and the weather warms up, it's a great time to do a little spring cleaning,...
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