FALL RIVER: The end has arrived for the $12 million Fall River water project.
In tweets on the morning of Nov. 30, Councillor Steve Streatch gave a brief update on the project as completion day hit. In a later message to The Laker, Streatch said staff are compiling final numbers. He hopes to sit-down with the paper in December to give a final overview.
“November 30, 2018 is the day many residents in Fall River have been waiting for,” Streatch said in the tweet. “Substantial completion of the new water system has been delivered to HRM. Letters sent to property owners re: connection process.
“It was completed on time, on budget and to specification.”
Streatch’s understanding is that Georges P. Vanier; Lockview High; and Ash Lee Jefferson will be connected very soon to the water system.
“(It will) bring clean, safe, drinking water to hundreds of children for the first time at all those locations,” he said.
He gave an update on when residents should be able to be hooked up.
“Residents located within phase one, Fall River Road, Lockview, etc. will follow immediately afterwards,” he said. “With phase two receiving letters next week.
“The older, compromised Miller Road system will connect next year after engineering completed.
Streatch recognized the frustrations faced by residents during the water project.
“This $12 million water infrastructure project installation, one of the largest HRM has undertaken in quite some time, has been stressful for residents, commuters and our contractor (Dexter Construction),” said Streatch. “I thank you all for your patience and professionalism.
“We will all now benefit for generations to come.”