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Premier Houston statement on 25th anniversary of Swissair tragedy

The following is a statement issued by Premier Tim Houston on Swissair Flight 111's 25th anniversary: Late in the evening of September 2, 1998, Nova Scotians first learned of the tragic crash of Swissair Flight...

COLUMN: MPs News & Views with MP Darrell Samson

The following is the SEPTEMBER 2023 column done by MP Darrell Samson, Sackville-Preston-Chezzetcook It's back to school time. The first day of school for many students and teachers is quickly approaching. I am pleased to welcome...

COLUMN: Making strides in healthcare

This column is one submitted to media by Premier Tim Houston's office. August 30 marks two years since I was sworn in as Premier of this province, the greatest place in the world. It is...

ADVERTORIAL; New Fall River Choice Health Centre massage therapist doing what she loves

FALL RIVER: Hannah Poole’s journey to be a massage therapist took a winding road that involved her being diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes and Reiki. Poole, who just started less than a month ago as...

COLUMN: MPs News & Views with Darrell Samson

This column is provided by: NEW ALL-WEATHER TRACK & TURF FIELD On Monday June 26, I was joined by the Honourable Brian Wong, MLA Waverley, Fall River, Beaver Bank, Cathy Deagle Gammon, District 1 Councillor and...

COLUMN: Healthcare recruitment efforts paying off

The following is the monthly column from Premier Tim Houston It’s no secret we need more people working in healthcare. Recruitment and retention are the biggest challenges facing our system. It impacts how quickly Nova Scotians...

COLUMN: MPs News and Views with Darrell Samson

The following is a column provided by: HAPPY CANADA DAY! It is time to engage in celebrations taking place throughout the riding and enjoy this beautiful day as Canada turns 156 years old. Wishing you and...

COLUMN: Federal Carbon tax unacceptable: Premier Houston

The following is a column sent out by Premier Tim Houston to media. On July 1, Nova Scotians will wake up to increases in the cost of gasoline, diesel and other everyday goods.  The Government...

COLUMN: Time is your friend

This column is brought to you by: We live in a world filled with constant updates. And nowhere is this more evident than in the world of investing. Turn on a news radio station and...

COLUMN: MPs News & Views with Darrell Samson

This column is brought to you by: SUMMER IS COMING! This month marks the official start of summer! With the warmer weather and longer daylight hours, we are seeing other welcome signs of the season too, as...
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