FALL RIVER: A great crowd turned out for the annual Fall River Garden Club Plant Sale.
The sale was held May 27 at the LWF Community Hall at 843 Fall River Road in Fall River.
While it had a set opening time, the lines were building for it as customers awaited its opening upwards of half-an-hour before.
The lines were long throughout the event, which went until all plants were sold.

The cost to purchase plants at the sale were by donation with no charge to enter.
Each year the Fall River Garden Club holds the plant sale with money going towards specific charities.
This year, the money from the Plant Sale will support:
$1,000 bursaries for a student at LHS to Dal Agro- Truro
$500 donation to Lions Christmas Express
Planting & maintaining three community gardens in the Fall River area.

Here are a few more photos we snapped at the Plant Sale: