FALL RIVER: An assault, theft from vehicles, and break-and-enters have kept RCMP in Halifax District busy during the past week, according to the Crimemapping website.
RCMP received a report of a theft-from-vehicle on Pratt & Whitney Drive at the Halifax Stanfield Airport in Goffs on March 18.

On March 21, North Central RCMP responded to a break-and-enter on Highway 224 close to Rocky Brook Lake near Upper Musquodoboit.
Police are investigating another theft from vehicle, this one taking place March 21 on Fall River Road near Arnold Drive.
RCMP are investigating a report of an alleged assault on High Road in Fall River that occurred March 22 near Holyrod Close.
Crime Mapping is an interactive site which will be updated daily at midnight with incidents of five specific crime types – robberies, assaults, break and enters, thefts of vehicles and thefts from vehicles. These crime types were selected given that people can take steps to protect themselves from becoming a victim if armed with information about what’s happening in our community.

HRM Crime Mapping allows you to search crime types by street name or community, and to view the selected crime types one at a time, several at a time or altogether by three different time frames – yesterday, the past four days and the past week. To ensure privacy, the crimes are plotted on the mid-point of the closest block and are not associated with specific civic addresses so as not to identify a person or an address.
The information on HRM Crime Mapping is based on police reports that are potentially subject to change as an investigation progresses. Further, HRM Crime Mapping plots only selected crimes and does not represent a complete set of police data.
It can be found online at: http://maps.halifax.ca/crimemapping/