Breanna Gilby and Sydney Mason with their awards. (Submitted photo)

MILFORD: Two Hants East Rural High students are honoured to have been chosen for the Lieutenant Governor’s Education medal.

Awarded last month in a ceremony in Port Hawkesbury, Sydney Mason and Breanna Gilby were the recipients from HERH, located in Milford.

The medal is awarded to grade 11 students who have demonstrated academic achievement and shows leadership and community involvement. 

Mason, a Grade 11 student from Indian Brook, said she was proud of herself for being selected.

“I want to be a positive person in the work I do and the places I am,” said Mason. “This award helped me feel like my intentions show to others.”


She said it brings her satisfaction being chosen.

“I put my all into everything I do, not because I expect an award or for someone to pat me on the back but because I want to feel proud of what I accomplished,” she said. “This award symbolizes my accomplishments to me, that all my hard work is important.

It’s important to me and other people see it.”

Mason earned her selection based on doing the best she can in her classes and getting good grades as a result. She is also a member of the team softball team, which she captained.


Gilby said she too was honoured to be selected.

“Academics has always been important to me, and I strive to do my best both in school and in community,” said Gilby.

She was grateful to those in the selection committee for recognizing her.

“It truly has been an honour,” said Gilby. “Giving back to the community through volunteering and is extremely important to me and will only help me as I continue to achieve both my academic and career goals.”


Within the community, Gilby, from Enfield, is the co-founder of her dad’s memorial society, the Ritchie Gilby Memorial Society which raises money to directly give back to local organizations and individuals in need.

She is also the youngest executive member at the Grand Lake Yacht Club as events coordinator and has volunteered for many local events such as the Braden Banister Memorial Ball Tournament, who was also a young boy in our community who was affected by heart disease .

Gilby has also volunteered at the local long term care facilities, Enfield in Bloom, helped organized and run a local Christmas Street Food Drive and participated in the Relay for Life last year at school. 

“This work is extremely important to me as my dad was a paramedic and owned a local business until he passed away from a cardiac event last year,” she said. “He always gave back, and I will carry on his legacy within our community.”