O2 Students give back through Christmas Families challenge

The O2 class with the items that were collected. (LHS Yearbook photo)

FALL RIVER: The Christmas Families Food Bank Challenge was a merry success at Lockview High this month.

Lockview High held a popular Swishmas event organized by the Student Council’s Charity Committee and Mr. Stach.

Students in the Options and Opportunities class partnered with both to help collect food and monetary donations for those families less fortunate in the communities that feed into the school. They did a Christmas Families Food Bank Challenge.

The students in Options and Opportunities wanted to participate because they feel it is important to be part of the school culture and help organize events, especially those that help others in need.

“Some people are not as fortunate as I am, and they deserve help,” said Hunter J, a Grade 10 student from Beaver Bank.

Lexie G, a Grade 10 student from Fall River, explained how the Christmas Families fundraiser worked.

“In groups, we promoted Christmas Families during C Block and collected items every other day,” Lexie G said.

Points were assigned as follows: 15 points for new toys, 12 points per dollar, 10 points for food donations and hygiene products, and 5 points for miscellaneous.

“The idea was to create a challenge with the winning C Block class being awarded a hot chocolate party,” she said. “The winning class is Ms. Sanford’s Yoga 11.”

Hunter J. said there were lots of food collected by the student population at the Fall River school.

“We definitely have hundreds of food and hygiene items donated,” he said. “We received a lot of cash donations. It became a friendly competition among teachers.”

There were 26 classes participating in the fundraiser at the school. Every C Block class in the school was invited to participate.

“The food and monetary donations will remain in the communities that feed into LHS,” said 02 coordinator Roxanna Roberts.

What do the O2 students thing the reaction will be to families receiving the support?

“I think the families will be happy to receive the support and grateful for our help and donations,” said Grade 12 student and Charity Committee member Becca H of Beaver Bank.