FALL RIVER: Councillor Cathy Deagle Gammon isn’t ready to show her card hand just yet on if she will seek re-election next October 2024 during HRM’s municipal election.

She said if she feels good about the job she’s doing this time next year you are almost certain to see her name on the ballot. That’s all the Councillor representing Musquodoboit Valley-Waverley-Fall River would say when asked if she was going to re-offer or not.

She was asked right after she had provided comments for a story on her fellow council colleague Lisa Blackburn, who represents the Upper/Middle Sackville-Lucasville-Beaver Bank district.

Blackburn has announced she is not reoffering in District 14.


However, while Blackburn has gone public with her decision, it wasn’t the case for Deagle Gammon.

She wasn’t tipping her hat at what she would do. At least just not yet.

“There’s a lot that can happen in a year,” said Deagle Gammon.

“If I feel that I am not doing a good job in the next year, then I wouldn’t offer.”


There might be a chance the dog mom seeks re-election for a second term.

Deagle Gammon said for her integrity is an important thing and it’s a very personal thing.

“So if I thought I wasn’t doing a great job, then I don’t think that I would,” she said. “But. you don’t know what’s going to happen in a year.

“So far, I’m feeling fairly good.”