From the Firehouse – April 2024 calls

Milford Fire (Healey photo)

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MILFORD: Here is a look at the April 2024 calls for local volunteer fire departments within East Hants and Stewiacke.

Information in this column is provided by: Nine Mile River fire, Milford fire, Shubenacadie Fire, Stewiacke fire; Elmsdale fire, Lantz Fire, Enfield fire, Kennetcook fire, and Uniacke & District Fire.

Milford Fire was kept busy in April. The department received 11 emergency calls last month, six of which were for Mutual Aid.

The calls consisted of three grass fires, two residential structure fires, a CO Alarm, controlled burn, motor vehicle collision, medical assist, a woods fire, and called out for an unknown fire.”

A reminder for everyone to please ensure you check the Fire Restrictions website at Fire restrictions – Government of Nova Scotia, Canada. Burning is not allowed between 8am and 2 p.m. Provincial restrictions are updated by County daily at 2 p.m.

For Elmsdale Fire, crews saw themselves respond to 21 calls led by 10 medical assists in April 2024.

 They also responded to three alarms; two mvc’s; two brush fires; two structure fires; one vehicle fire; and one illegal burn.

Enfield fire responded to 23 calls last month, with medical assists being the top one at 12 calls.

Firefighters also heard the pager tone go for five mutual aid requests; three alarm activations; two mvc’s; and one brush fire.

Firefighters with Shubenacadie Fire responded to 13 calls, with 11 of them being mutual aid requests to a neighbouring department.

They also had two calls within their district—a grass fire and an mvc.

The mutual aid calls were broken down as follows: To Indian Brook seven grass fires; one mvc; one woods fire. To Milford: one possible structure fire and one medical assist.

Uniacke & District fire attended to 30 calls for the month. That tally was led by nine motor vehicle collisions and nine medical assists. The firefighters also heard their pagers go for five illegal burns; two fire alarm activations; two mutual aid requests; one other fire (blow dryer overheated); one CO Alarm; and two fire alarms,

The fire department would like to pass on to everyone that their annual Firefighter Fair is coming up on June 21 and 22.

Nine Mile River fire responded to seven calls last month, led by four mutual aid calls.

They also attended to one fire alarm; one mvc; and one woods fire.

For Stewiacke fire, they heard the “sound of their people” 18 times in April, led by six motor vehicle collisions. The firefighters also had six medical assists; three mutual calls to assist neighbouring communities (one each to Indian Brook (Station 38 for a call in Chaswood; and Station 38 for a call in Higginsville.)

They also attended to two investigations calls and one chimney fire.

The department will celebrate its 8-th anniversary on May 25. Events will take place at the fire department from 11-2 pm.

Lantz and Kennetcook fire did not provide info this month.

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