N.S. NDP: Houston government must commit to keeping health care public

NDP Leader Claudia Chender (Submitted photo)

From a release

HALIFAX: The N.S. NDP say as walk-in clinics close and Nova Scotia’s family practice wait list surpasses 15 per cent of the population, the government under Premier Tim Hosuton continues to increase spending on health care deals with private companies.

“Tim Houston’s government campaigned on a promise to fix health care, and Nova Scotians are still waiting,” said NDP Health spokesperson Susan Leblanc.

“We need more investment in hospitals, health care worker retention, and mental health.

“Prioritizing spending public dollars on private companies isn’t the fix to health care we need.”


Recent deals with Telus, Maple, and Think Research have committed millions in public funds to private companies, raising concerns over who has access to people’s health information, and making it harder to recruit health care professionals. 

“When we see companies like Think Research being sold to a hedge fund you have to ask: do we really want these companies to have our private health information?” said NSNDP Leader Claudia Chender.

“Nova Scotians are getting turned away from overcrowded ERs. Nova Scotians are waiting for years on the Need a Family Practice Registry.


“Nova Scotians are having their surgeries delayed and cancelled,” said Chender.

“The Houston government needs to prioritize fixing our public health care system, not funneling money and information to private companies for expensive bandaids.”

The Health Committee met May 14 to discuss public-private partnerships in health care.