The cenotaph with hand made crosses and wreaths from WMES students. (Submitted photo)

WAVERLEY: Students at Waverley Memorial School showed their appreciation to veterans past and present on Nov. 10.

With teachers alongside them as well as special community members and veterans, the students took the sidewalk along Rocky lake Drive to the Waverley Legion on an overcast Friday morning.

The students then placed their handmade poppies/wreaths and crosses at the cenotaph in a short ceremony.

Members of the Waverley Legion were on hand for the touching tribute and service. This is the third or fourth year that the students have done this type of ceremony.


The wreaths/poppies and crosses will remain at the cenotaph for the service that is today, Nov. 11, from the community.

While The Laker News wasn’t able to be there ourselves as we had a couple of other assignments, WMES was kind enough to snap a few photos for us to share.

(Submitted photo)


The students walk from the school to the cenotaph at Waverley Legion. (Submitted photo)
The cenotaph with the handmade wreaths and crosses at the Waverley Legion. (Submitted photo)