ELMSDALE: The future of traffic flow on Hwy 214 and Hwy 2 in Elmsdale involves some form of roundabout approaches.
With the Lantz Interchange now complete, the Department of Public Works will turn their attention to upgrading Highway 214—in the future.
Don Maillet, District Director with Public Works, confirmed work will begin to fix Hwy 214 in Elmsdale from the Hwy 2 lights up to the off ramp off Hwy 102 by the Superstore. However, it won’t be right away.
Following the province’s announcement of its five-year highway plan recently, there was time for media to ask questions.
On the third time around, The Laker News—after we asked two earlier questions–was able to inquire about what the plan was for Hwy 214 to help ease the traffic bottleneck that occurs daily, especially during the morning and evening rush hours.
He spoke of improvements they had made in recent weeks.
“Currently, at some point that interchange is going to have to be upgraded, not right now, in the future” said Maillet. “At that point what we will do is look at alternate ways of funneling that traffic through that interchange.
“It will probably encompass Hwy 2 (by the lights) at the same time.”
Maillet said it won’t be happening any time soon, but rather down the road.
“When it does come time to replace it and upgrade the interchange,” he said, “we will be looking at some type of roundabout type of approach around that.
“But right now, it’s not even in the planning stages.”