WAVERLEY: The skies may have been dreary, but there were plenty of smiling faces at the Waverley Village Green on the morning of Aug. 13.
That’s because a variety of vendors were setup showing off and making sales of their goods and crafts they created to those who stopped by the event during the four hour or so event.
Besides the vendors outside, there were artisans on location inside Station 41 Waverley Fire Department fire hall with artwork for sale.
All in all there was a good turnout given the weather, and people learned about crafters and artisans in our local area.
Some young up-and-coming entrepreneurs were there too–selling Lemonade.
We have it on good authority that the lemonade was very tasty. In fact so much so that reporter Pat Healey had to have seconds and wanted thirds too.
Here are some photos from the market as we walked around and checked out each of the vendors.
We couldn’t use all of the photos we took, so we provide some of the pics we thought showcased the event.