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Premier Houston statement on 25th anniversary of Swissair tragedy

The following is a statement issued by Premier Tim Houston on Swissair Flight 111's 25th anniversary: Late in the evening of September 2, 1998, Nova Scotians first learned of the tragic crash of Swissair Flight...

#Election2019 Candidate Profile: Get to know Green Party’s Anthony Edmonds

Edmonds is running in Sackville-Preston-Chezzetcook Name: Anthony Edmonds Community: Wellington Family: I live with my wife, Jillian. Profession: Aerospace Engineer Why are you running? I’d like to do everything that I can to make sure that future generations can live...

COLUMN: A Christmas message from MP Darrell Samson: Looking forward to 2021

It’s hard to believe that we’re in the final days of 2020. For many people, the end of this year can’t come soon enough. It has been a year like no other, with a global...

COLUMN: YourHealthNS Making a difference

The following is the monthly column submitted by Premier Tim Houston to media As a government, we have a responsibility to make it easy for Nova Scotians to find and access the healthcare they need. With...

COLUMN: One year ago the journey began

One year ago, I was excited for QMJHL Deadline Day. One year ago, I was happy to be back to work after a well-deserved and relaxing 20-day vacation for the Christmas holidays. Sadly, one year ago...

COLUMN: MPs News & Views

Dear Residents, I would first like to take the time to thank everyone for coming out to our Town Hall meetings. We had two separate meetings, one discussing Veterans Affairs on Sept. 14 and the...

COLUMN: Ask the Vet with Dr. Juanita Ashton

Fido on the go ELMSDALE: Summertime is the best! Going on day trips, camping, or vacations are all excellent ways to get out and enjoy our few months of nice weather. With our pets being...

COLUMN: N.S. election is Aug. 17. Make your vote count

by Joni Snair, PT, Founder/Owner & Physiotherapist, Safe at Home Physiotherapy The Nova Scotia Provincial Elections are taking place on Tuesday, August 17. Many people may be worried about going to the polls. What are...

COLUMN: MP’s News & Views with Darrell Samson

Wishing you all a Happy Easter! Spring has sprung, with the promise of new signs of life all around us. As the days get increasingly longer, we will see the grass turning greener, leaves sprouting...

COLUMN: General principles of financial freedom

This column is brought to you by: Hello! I trust 2024 is treating you and your loved ones well. As a Wealth Advisor who has been helping families live their best financial lives since 2008, I thought...
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