From the Firehouse – April 2023

A firefighters bunker coat hangs on a fire truck. (Healey photo)

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KENNETCOOK: Here’s a look at the April 2023 calls for local volunteer fire departments in East Hants and Stewiacke.

The call information is provided from Kennetcook fire; Milford fire; Shubenacadie Fire; Enfield Fire; Uniacke & District Fire in Mount Uniacke; Stewiacke fire; Nine Mile River fire; and Elmsdale Fire.

Lantz Fire did not provided information before published.

Kennetcook fire responded to seven calls, led by three woods fires. They also were paged for a medical assist; a grass fire; a structure fire; and an ATV rescue.

The month of April was quite busy for Milford Fire, responding to 22 calls, led by 19 mutual aid requests.

The firefighters heard the “sound of their people” for 10 Grass Fires; three structure fires; two motor vehicle collisions; two fire alarms; and one vehicle fire as a result of an MVC;  a garbage fire; a possible structure fire; a woods fire; and a medical call to assist EHS.

Reminder, in comparison to previous years, this past winter and spring has not seen a lot of precipitation, as the hotter weather approaches and the woods is dry. Please check online for burning restrictions before having a campfire or burning outdoors.

Firefighters with Elmsdale fire were paged for 33 calls last month, led by 16 medical assists. They also were toned out for five structure fire; four mvc’s; three brush fires; two alarm activations; and one each of an illegal burn; fire investigation; one propane fire.

Uniacke & District Fire responded to 26 calls in April, led by 10 medical assists.

Fire crews also attended to four mvc’s; responded to three mutual aid requests; four brush fires; two fire alarm activations; two illegal burns; and one carbon monoxide alarm activation.

For Shubenacadie Fire, they had 17 calls in April, with 10 grass/brush fires leading the tally. They also had two medical assists; two woods fires; two mvc’s; and one alarm activation call.

Some of their mutual aid calls included grass/brush fires in Indian Brook; grass/brush fire in Milford; alarm call in Milford; structure fire in Lantz; and a garbage fire in Indian Brook.

Enfield Fire had 30 calls on their pagers this month, with 16 medical assists leading that tally. They also were toned out for four brush fires; three mutual aid requests; three alarm activations; two mvc’s; one structure fire; and one vehicle fire.

For firefighters with Stewiacke Fire they had nine calls in April, including two mutual aid calls which were to Indian Brook.

Crews from the Colchester County fire department were also toned for four grass fires; two mvc’s; and one fuel spill.

Nine Mile River fire responded to eight calls, including five mutual aid requests to neighbouring departments. They also had two woods fires and one mvc call.

If you have any spare time or are interested in volunteering as a firefighter in your community, reach out or stop by any training night to your local fire department and check it out.

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