Pat Healey from The Laker News interviews Premier Tim Houston. (DAGLEY MEDIA photo)

From a release

HALIFAX: Premier Tim Houston has submitted a new plan to reduce greenhouse gas emissions to the Government of Canada.

In the submission, Premier Houston made it clear that the Government of Nova Scotia is fighting climate change without a carbon tax.

The submission titled Still Better than a Carbon Tax was submitted Thursday, March 28th.

It is available online:


Houston said the plan will do more to address climate change than any carbon tax.

“There is no question that climate change is causing more frequent and severe storms, wildfires, floods and other emergencies that threaten the safety of Nova Scotians and our communities.,” he said.

“But our plan proves we can achieve these goals without hurting struggling Nova Scotians.”

The Still Better than a Carbon Tax Plan combines:
– The Future of Nova Scotia’s Coastline – Nova Scotia’s coastal protection action plan helps coastal residents and communities prepare and mitigate climate risk
– Our Climate, Our Future: Nova Scotia’s Climate Change Plan for Clean Growth – the plan to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and improve the province’s ability to be responsive and prepared for climate change
– Nova Scotia’s 2030 Clean Power Plan – a path to reach at least 80 per cent renewable electricity by 2030 and then net zero by 2050
– Nova Scotia’s Green Hydrogen Action Plan – a road map to support the emergence of a sector that makes best use of the province’s natural resources to produce green hydrogen and hydrogen derivatives for export and for domestic use.


Nova Scotia’s Environmental Goals and Climate Change Reduction Act also commits Nova Scotia – in legislation – to the strongest 2030 greenhouse gas emission reduction targets in the country.

It also includes actions that will help the province meet and exceed them.

Additional Resources:
The action plans noted above and more information about how Nova Scotia is fighting climate change are available at: