ENFIELD: Throngs of supporters lined the parking lot at the Big Stop/Enfield Tim’s and Hwy 2 to the Exit 7 ramp to Hwy 102 as the Freedom Convoy 2022 departed headed for Ottawa to voice their displeasure over the COVID-19 mandates.
There were about a couple hundred people on the overpass at Hwy 214 in Elmsdale, according to East Hants RCMP S/Sgt. Cory Bushell, waiting to wave on the convoy.
At the Irving Big Stop, organizers made it known to the crowd of approximately one hundred-plus that they were not anti-vaccine, but pro-freedom and that is what the Convoy was all about.
PHOTOS from the Convoy in Enfield, taken by Pat Healey.


The federal government ended the truckers’ exemption to the vaccine mandate on Jan. 15. This means Canadian truck drivers need to be fully vaccinated if they want to avoid a two-week quarantine and pre-arrival molecular test for COVID-19 before crossing into Canada.
Truckers from Enfield were to be met in Moncton by those from N.B. and PEI, before continuing to Ottawa. There were around a dozen trucks that left Enfield.
Many signs in the crowd had sayings such as “We love Truckers” “Go Get Our Freedom Back.” There was one sign that was made like a transport truck and three young kids held it saying, “Free Dom”.
The Convoy was to arrive in Aulac by 9 a.m. Participants were to stay in the right lane on Hwy 102 with their four-way flashers on.