Melissa Sheehy-Richard. (Facebook page photo)

WEST HANTS: Residents in the West Hants area will see renovations to two community centres, and a local fire department will get new emergency equipment and funding for training through provincial grants announced April 23.

Melissa Sheehy-Richard, MLA for Hants West, said the provincial grants announced are important to the community and will help to address significant infrastructure issues.

“Upgrading spaces where the community comes together and funding new equipment and training to improve emergency preparedness will strengthen our community now and into the future,” she said.


The Brooklyn Fire Department has received a grant it will use for new equipment, including two new rescue boats, and rescue training for firefighters.

Funding for the Hantsport Memorial Community Centre will allow exterior repairs to improve the structure and help make it more energy efficient.

At the Mount Denson Community Hall, a new wheelchair ramp will improve accessibility.

More community grants will be announced across the province in the coming weeks.


“The Churchill House is the focal point of Hants Memorial Community Centre and has hosted community events for well over 50 years.

“This grant will be invaluable to the organization and the community of Hantsport as it will ensure the house remains safe for visitors and efficient to operate.

“We are grateful stewards of this remarkable place, and these upgrades will help to ensure it will be accessible to future generations.” 
Ben Johnson, Recreation Director, Hantsport Memorial Community Centre

Quick Facts:
– the Brooklyn Fire Department received just over $92,000
– the Hantsport Memorial Community Centre received $50,000
– the Mount Denson Community Hall Association received just over $5,000