FALL RIVER: Community members felt the need to do something to honour George Floyd, while supporting Blacks far and wide, including those in their own community.
Floyd died in a senseless murder at the hands of four Minneapolis police officers. It was captured on video that went viral, and has led to an uprising of Black Lives Matter across the U.S. and Canada.
All four cops have been fired, but only one has been charged so far.
A few residents organized and put the call out on a local Facebook page about a kneel down happening. It was being held for those in the Fall River area for those who could not make the one in Halifax, but still would feel part of it by doing their own.
Approximately 40 people came out to Ryan Rosen Park from Waverley to Fall River Village. They knelt for 8:46 the time the officer knelt on Floyd’s neck, before he was killed.