N.S. open to Atlantic Bubble idea, just not right yet, says McNeil
ENFIELD: While the premier of PEI, Dennis King, has said early July for when an Atlantic Bubble would open that enthusiasm had some water...
HRM announces plans to open rec facilities, provide modified camps
Press Release
HRM: The Halifax Regional Municipality continues to monitor and respond to the rapidly evolving effects of COVID-19.
Modified Summer Camps update
Pending the confirmation of...
Elmsdale family commissions tribute for fallen RCMP officer
ELMSDALE: A heartwarming gesture by an Elmsdale family to members of the Enfield RCMP detachment in honour of one of their members has left...
Burgess Service Centre torn down to make way for new development
FALL RIVER: A landmark that had stood tall in the Fall River community for decades has been torn down.
A construction crew that was onsite...
Garden Club hosts successful plant sale
FALL RIVER: The Fall River Garden Club held its Annual Plant Sale June 6 at the LWF Hall in Fall River.
Although not as big...
Speed humps begin being installed on Winley Drive
WINDSOR JUNCTION: Residents have had to start slowing down along Winley Drive in Windsor Junction as HRM has begun installation of traffic calming measures.
COVID19: One new death, one new case in N.S.
HALIFAX: Today, June 9, Nova Scotia is reporting one additional death related to COVID-19, bringing the total to 62.
The death involved a female...
Play ball! LWF Baseball gearing up for season with Phase 1 approval
WINDSOR JUNCTION: With Baseball Nova Scotia announcing Phase 1 of the Return to Baseball being approved by the province following the COVID19 shutdown, LWF...
Horne earns three Army Cadet awards
FALL RIVER: A local Army Cadet member from 3036 Sackville Lions RCEME Royal Canadian Army Cadet Corps. had a big haul at their year-end...
Beaver Bank teen caught going 78 km/hr over speed limit
BEAVER BANK: An 18-year-old from Beaver Bank has been charged with stunting after RCMP clocked him doing 78 kilometres per hour over the speed...