FALL RIVER: On Saturday June 8, Reverend Duncan MacMaster received Scouting’s Certificate for 55 years of service to the Movement.
This was presented during a retirement party for Father Duncan held by Saint Rose of Lima Parish and attended by over 300 parishioners. Many from parishes he had served during his Priesthood.
David Winter, Pack Scouter for 1st Sackville and Paul Savoie, Group Commissioner for 1st Sackville made the presentation.
Scouting has been a great interest of Father MacMaster as noted by his active involvement and his many accomplishments.
He has been assistant Scout Master, Scout Master, District Venture Advisor, Rover Leader, and Group Committee Chair. Father Duncan has served on Organization and Expansion Committee of the Province of Nova Scotia.
He has served on Honors and Awards Committee of Province and Chair Committee for five years and on National Honors and Awards Committee and played a role in restructuring requirements for Honors and Awards. He was also Chair Chaplain for five National Jamborees.
He has been Troop Scouter with four different groups and has been leader in various Jamborees and helped with Spiritual Exercises for 25 Operational Alerts.
In addition to the above Father has found time to work with youth, driving, picking up supplies and recruiting leaders.
Father MacMaster was involved behind the scenes in formation of 1st Clayton Park Scout Troop. As there was a group of graduated Cubs/Beavers who did not have a troop to attend Father MacMaster called parents together to form a pack and gave each one a job.
He currently belongs to the Baden-Powell Guild of Halifax, and continues to volunteer when available for Jamborees and Scout Alerts.
While at Camp Lone Cloud in Fall River and attending Sunday Mass at Saint Rose of Lima Father would not have thought that 60 years later he would be retiring as a Priest from Saint Rose of Lima in Fall River.