WINDSOR JUNCTION: The federal MP for Sackville-Preston-Chezzetcook visited the Windsor Junction Community Centre Aug. 9.
Darrell Samson dropped by on a sunny, busy camp day at the WJCC to recognize the three students working as summer camp counsellors at the WJCC that are supported through th Canada Summer Job Grants program.
The federal Summer Job Grants allowed the WJCC to employ three camp counsellors—Alex Parker, Natasha MacLeod, and Haley Jessome. Also pictured are some of the kids attending the day camps. (Healey photo)
The WJCC made MP Darrell Samson and Laker Reporter Pat Healey staff for one day only on Aug. 9, presenting both with a WJCC Staff t-shirt for their support of the centre and coverage in the community. (Healey photos)