An RCMP cruiser at headquarters in Dartmouth. (Healey photo)

GAYS RIVER: Police suspect alcohol was a factor in a single-vehicle collision in the Gays River area that saw a vehicle go down a 30 to 40-foot ravine.

East Hants RCMP S/Sgt. Cory Bushell said members from his detachment were called to the Nov. 24 collision in support of Colchester County RCMP.

“Members were advised a lone male driving a vehicle had left the road and went down a 30 to 40-foot ravine,” he said. “The driver did not appear to be injured, but alcohol was suspected as a factor in the crash.”


S/Sgt. Bushell said East Hants members arrived on scene and verified that impairment was suspected as the cause.

“The driver, a 24-year-old man from Head of Jeddore, was ordered to undergo a roadside screening test. He refused to comply,” said S/Sgt. Bushell.

The man was to cells in Enfield due to impairment. The driver was released when sober and will face the courts at a later date on charges of refusal as well as driving with no insurance.

Did you know? A conviction for refusing to undergo roadside screening and or refusing to provide samples of one’s breath for analysis carries the same penalty as a conviction for impaired driving.