FALL RIVER: Meredith Faulkner of Fall River was honoured to receive her Commissioning Scroll on May 14 during a short ceremony.
Faulkner is a member of the Halifax Rifles Army Cadets.
The commissioning scroll is a personal link to the sovereign, it’s both an instruction for those in the officers charge to obey, but also an admonishment to the officer that their duties are to be discharged dutifully and diligently. It’s a tangible symbol of the trust the crown places in the recipient.

Faulkner received it from LCol Russ Hubley, DFC, CD, (Order of Légion d’Honneur) in the company of her parents and commanding officer. LCol Hubley is a decorated Second World War Veteran and was the Commanding Officer of The Halifax Rifles (RCAC) when it was stood down in the 1960s.
“To be afforded the privilege of receiving my commissioning scroll from him is not one that I take for granted,” said Faulkner.
To find out more about the army cadet program go to HalifaxRiflesarmycadets.com. (Submitted photos)