ELECTION21: NDP committed to permanent rent control

NS NDP Leader Gary Burrill. (NDP photo)

HALIFAX: NDP Leader Gary Burrill spoke with Garry Williams, a renter in Halifax, about how skyrocketing rents leave real people afraid of being priced out of their home and not able to find an affordable alternative.

“Skyrocketing rent increases are something more and more families and young people are having to deal with,” said Burrill. “Iain Rankin is committed to removing the current rent cap, leaving people without protection from unfair rent hikes.”

Garry Williams was living in Halifax with his partner when they were told their rent would increase by $400 a month. 

“We agreed to sign for one more year on the condition that some repairs and improvements be made to the unit,” said Williams. “Nothing was ever fixed and we were told to leave at the end of the new lease. We were shocked at the price of housing in Halifax and now spend most of our income just to have a place to live.”

In 2020 Halifax had the worst vacancy rate of any major city in Canada, 1.7 per cent compared to 3.4 per cent in Toronto or 3.3 per cent in Montreal.

“The housing shortage is also getting worse in rural communities, leaving people at risk of homelessness or being forced to pay more rent than they can afford,” said Burrill. “There are currently more than 122,000 people who rent homes in Nova Scotia and they deserve better than living in fear of the next rent increase that will force them from their home.”

An NDP government will deliver permanent rent control so families can afford to stay in their communities or save for a down payment.

“There is a choice in this election: the Liberals and Conservatives who will leave real people vulnerable to being homeless or the NDP who will stand up for families, seniors, and young people and provide them an opportunity to save and purchase their own home,” said Burrill.