MILFORD: Under sunny skies, residents from Milford and area came out to join in on the 80th anniversary celebration for Milford & District Volunteer Fire Department.
The event, held June 18, saw residents get a fire extinguisher demonstration; enjoying hot dogs, sausages, and pop/water from the Milford & District Lions Club BBQ; get to try out their hand at shooting a firehose at cardboard made flames (an activity that many kids seemed to enjoy over and over again).
There was also a vehicle extrication demonstration; people could check out the fire trucks; and got to see the Naval Fire Service 1942 LaFrance Fire Engine, which was similar to the one the department purchased from the City of Halifax in the 1960s. The truck was hauled to Milford fire by Atlantic Tiltload.

Captain Ken Moxsom said that planning began back in October of 2021 for the open house and banquet celebrations.
“Since then, countless hours went into preparations and planning for the Open House and 80th Anniversary Banquet to ensure it was a success for both our community and our past members that attended the events,” said Moxsom in an interview with The Laker News. “We were honored to have had approximately 200 residents visit the open house.”
He said the fire department was built 80 years ago by members of this community for the community.
“When it comes to support, one thing that has not changed in 80 years, is the overwhelming support the fire department receives from the residents and businesses,” he said. “We had 29 businesses who supported the event and over 200 visitors that came by to see firsthand, what we have to offer to them; this in itself shows us the amount of support the community has for the fire department.”

Moxsom was lead planner, so he wanted everything to be “perfect”, not only for the community but past members and his fellow firefighters.
“With everything I do, I get the full support and assistance from my wife and children; all three of my children are Firefighters in Milford,” he said.
“I must take the time to say thank you to them for putting up with me since October; the 80th Anniversary was a continued topic of ongoing discussion in my house.”

Sparky the fire dog even made an appearance, making many little kids smile with joy at seeing the firefighting mascot.
Seeing Sparky even made our own Pat Healey filled with joy, as seen in this video.
Here are some photos from the Open House as snapped by our own Pat Healey: