(Submitted/Save Dartmouth Cove photo)

DARTMOUTH: According to a letter posted on social media site by Dartmouth-Cole Harbour MP Darren Fisher, Transport Canada will be rescinding its approval for infill of Dartmouth Cove.

The letter is dated June 19.


In the letter, Fisher said:

“Transport Canada is rescinding approval for the Dartmouth Cove infill project.

So many of us are advocating against an infill project that would see nearly 7 acres of Dartmouth Cove filled in with pyritic slate from construction sites.

As you know, I wrote to the Minister of Transport back in April, asking him to rescind approval for the Dartmouth Cove infill project as I firmly believe that Transport Canada failed to meet their mandate.

I spoke with the Minister and learned that on Friday, Transport Canada began the process to rescind their approval, resetting the clock on their consultation process.

This is a win for our community, but Dartmouth Cove isn’t protected, yet.


“As we saw with the Northwest Arm, a municipal by-law is the best way to protect Dartmouth Cove from unnecessary infill projects today and into the future.

Thank you to the Friends of Dartmouth Cove and everyone who attended community meetings and reached out to political representatives urging them to act.

Yesterday, most of Halifax Regional Council voted in favour of writing letters to the Minister of Transport and the Minister of Fisheries, as well as looking into possible amendments to regulate infilling water lots in Dartmouth Cove, like those that exist already in the Northwest Arm.


“Now is not the time for more letters, now is the time to act.

I’ve ensured that Transport Canada is at the table and ready to work with HRM to get their regulations done.

Let’s get to work and do this for Dartmouth.

There’s no reason to wait.

Darren Fisher, MP Dartmouth-Cole Harbour.”