Tanker 321 from Nine Mile River Fire department. 9Healey photo)

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MILFORD: Here’s a look at the calls for September for local volunteer fire departments.

Information is provided on calls from Milford fire; Stewiacke fire; Lantz fire; Elmsdale fire; Uniacke & District Fire; Enfield fire; Nine Mile River fire; and Shubenacadie fire.

Milford Fire received 13 Calls during the month of September, seven of these were for Mutual Aid.

The calls consisted of four Motor Vehicle Collisions; three Structure Fires; two Fire Alarms; two Investigations, a CO Alarm, and a call to assist EHS.

For Elmsdale fire, they responded to 21 calls led by seven medical assists. Firefighters also heard their pagers go off four times for mvc’s; four times for structure fires; three times for MVC HWY 102 Southbound and three alarm activations.

Uniacke & District Fire heard the “sound of their people” 35 times in September, with 16 medical assists leading the way.

They also attended to four brush fires; four fire alarm activations; three illegal burns; two investigations; two vehicle fires; two MVC’s; one structure fire; and one mutual aid request.

For Lantz fire, they responded to 18 incidents, led by1 2 medical assists. The firefighters also were paged out for two alarms; two structure fires; one investigation; and one MVC.

Enfield fire responded to 23 calls in September led by 10 mutual aid requests to neighbouring communities.

The firefighters also heard their pagers for seven medical assists; three MVC’s; one brush fire; one vehicle fire; and one alarm activation.

For firefighters with Stewiacke fire they had just1 3 calls, led by nine medical assists.

The department also attended to two MVC’s; one lift assist; and one assist EHS.

For Shubenacadie Fire, they responded to 15 calls in September, led by nine mutual aid requests to neighbouring communities and six mvc’s in the Shubie area.

The mutual aid calls were to Milford fire for two structure fires; one alarm call; Maitland fire for one mvc; one medical assists; Indian Brook for two dumpster fires; one alarm; and one electrical fire call.

Nine Mile River fire responded to seven calls last month, with three mutual aid requests to neighbouring departments leading the way. They also were paged for two structure fires; one mvc; and one fire alarm activation.

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