MAIN PHOTO: N.S. PC Leader Tim Houston stands with Hants East candidate John A. MacDonald in Elmsdale. (Healey photo)
ELMSDALE: For N.S. PC Party Leader Tim Houston, his advice to his candidates in Waverley-Fall River-Beaver Bank and Hants East consisted of three words.
Houston was asked what candidates John A. MacDonald in Hants East and Brian Wong in Waverley-Fall River-Beaver Bank have to do to turn their respective ridings Tory blue.
“Knock on doors,” said Houston, “and talk about the party platform, the vision for Nova Scotia.”
Houston said both Wong and MacDonald are among a slew of a great slate of candidates the PC’s have and are excellent candidates.
He said the main issue in this election is health care.
“This is a referendum on health care,” said Houston. “And the Liberals have had eight years and health care is getting worse and worse and worse.
“I haven’t seen any liberal plan to address it. They really don’t have a plan to fix health care.”
Interview with Tim Houston, N.S. PC Leader. (Dagley Media video)
Houston said the PC’s have put forward a robust plan to fix health care.
“It’s expensive and it will take time, but we are the only party that is focused on health care,” he said. “If they get to the doors and talk to Nova Scotians, listen, tell them about their concerns and share our vision for what’s possible in this province, then they’ll win.”
He has a good feeling in him about the outcome on Aug. 17 for both ridings and the province as a whole.
“I’m very confident that both will win,” said Houston. “I’m very confident that we’ll form a government.”