ENFIELD: The community group Enfield in Bloom spent their Saturday giving back to the community, including hanging up the baskets along Highway 2 between Elmsdale and Enfield.
Many of those doing the work were youth who took time out of their weekend to spruce up and make the community look pretty as the summer approaches.
There was also the installation of the new “Welcome to Enfield” sign in the little garden. It stands out and is nice and very sharp looking.

The organizers of the group would like to thank the following for their support:
Payzants Home Hardware
Lorraine and Herve Burri
CKG Elevator Ltd.
Ledwidge Lumber
Happy Harry’s
Ryson Construction
Castone Construction
Tim Isenor
Joe and Darlene Horne
RYC Property Ltd.
Multi-Serve Petroleum Equipment
Gilby Construction
GNS Renovations
Shooters Sports Bar
Enfield in Bloom would also like to thank all of their wreath basket sponsors and their outstanding volunteers.