FALL RIVER: A family and their pet dog escaped a conflagration that destroyed their two storey Fall River home in the 60 block of Arthur Joseph Road in the early morning hours of Sept. 25.
Firefighters from a handful of stations responded to the working structure fire after being paged out shortly after 2 a.m. Upon arrival at the house, located near Somerset Drive off the Tamarac subdivision, fire crews from Engine 45 were met with heavy smoke on rear right side and through the roof of the house, which is set back behind trees.
There were about 28 firefighters on scene from Station 45 (Fall River); Station 41 (Waverley); Station 43 (Grand Lake); Station 42 (Wellington); Station 48 (Beaver Bank); Station 9 (Metropolitan, Sackville); 9 Alpha (volunteers, Sackville); Station 10 (Lower Sackville); and Station 8 (Bedford). Division Commander 4; District Captain 4; Division 3; Rehab, HRM Logistics; and Fire Investigations unit were also there.
N.S. Power, EHS, and Halifax District RCMP also attended the fire call.
The family managed to escape uninjured; however, they are unsure of the whereabouts of their rescue kitty Jake, who they only got from the SPCA in June.
Residents were sharing a post made on behalf of the family on the “Fall River Community Portal” Facebook page so neighbours could keep an eye out for the cat.
From the road, the house didn’t appear to have any damage; however when you walk up the driveway and get closer that’s when you see the charred remains as a result of the flames.
The community has already begun to rally to help get the family back on their feet as quickly as possible with the cold winter months ahead.