NDP Leader Claudia Chender (Submitted photo)

From an NDP release sent to media

HALIFAX: The fall sitting of the legislature ended Sept. 20 with little to help everyday Nova Scotians afford their homes. 

Despite the growing number of Nova Scotians who are struggling to find and keep a home they can afford, the Houston government continues to ignore their needs and instead favour their wealthy friends.

Tim Houston’s record on housing:

Failed to implement real rent control.

Made it easier for landlords to evict renters.

Left the fixed-term lease loophole wide open.

Extended a rent cap higher than any other in Canada, and more than double the rate of inflation.


Meanwhile, New Democrats brought forth a number of sensible solutions throughout the session to address the housing crisis.

Claudia Chender’s record on housing:

Continued the fight for real rent control.

Introduced legislation to close the fixed-term lease loophole.

Recommended the creation of a task force to address homelessness.

Urged the government to create a residential tenancies enforcement unit.

Brought forward measures to limit evictions and prioritize building affordable homes. 

Called for a renters’ tax credit and the doubling of the downpayment assistance program. 

Proposed our Homes Within Reach plan to ensure every Nova Scotian can find and keep a home they can afford.