Municipality said crosswalk by White Road
part of intersection upgrade in future
ENFIELD: The new crosswalk on Highway 2 is open for residents to use.
The crosswalk comes with lights that will flash when users hit the button on each pole to activate them, signifying to motorists someone is crossing and to slow down and stop to let them cross.
It was installed by the Municipality of East Hants, who will also maintain it, said spokesperson Juliann Cashen in an interview with The Laker News.
The lights are similar to the ones at the crosswalk by the Gordon R. Snow Community Centre in Fall River.
The total cost for the crosswalk was $196,000, said Cashen. It was completed by construction crews over the last couple of months.
Cashen said the crossing at Highway 2 by the English Law building across from Enfield Pharmachoice required approval from the provincial Department of Public Works since it is on their roadway.

Part of the approval process, said Cashen, that the province requires is for traffic count and pedestrian counts to be met before considering a crossing.
“Any new crossing requires a safe destination (like a landing pad and can’t be in the middle of a driveway),” added Cashen.
“It can take years for approvals to be worked through on a new crossing.”
She was asked about the need for a crosswalk at Hwy 2 and White Road by Avery’s.
“The options for a crossing at Hwy 2 & White Rd (by Avery’s) will be different,” said Cashen.
“This will be accomplished when an intersection upgrade takes place that will include traffic signals.”
Cashen added the project construction phasing will play a role.
“The timing is dependent on phasing of the old Curly site development,” Cashen said.