NSFM collaborates on enhanced Emergency Alert system

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NOVA SCOTIA: The Nova Scotia Federation of Municipalities (NSFM) has expressed its our heartfelt condolences to all those affected by the recent flooding, its president said in a release.

Carolyn Bolivar-Getson said the NSFM and members support an effective Emergency Alert System for residents across the province.

The NSFM welcomes ongoing enhancements to ensure the safety of all Nova Scotians, she said.


The Alert System is a central piece of a network of emergency response measures that municipalities access.

All municipalities have an Emergency Management Organization (EMO), and the majority of municipalities collaborate as part of a Regional Emergency Management Organization (REMO).

These organizations coordinate services during emergencies, including severe weather events.


NSFM extends our gratitude to the first responders, volunteers, municipalities, staff and officials at all levels, and all others who are part of this coordinated response.

“We will continue to dialogue with the provincial government on the investments needed to improve emergency response,” said Bolivar-Getson.

“When communities are left reeling from disasters, residents understandably look to elected leadership from all levels of government, to work together.”