Olympic boxer Sanford to get key to Municipality of East Hants

Olympian Wyatt Sanford speaks to the crowd at his celebration in North Noel Road. Municipal council has passed a motion to give him the key to East Hants for his accomplishment.(Dagley Media photo)

ELMSDALE: Wyatt Sanford will be getting the keys to the Municipality of East Hants.

At the Oct. 8 Executive Committee meeting, councillors heard a staff report on their motion made in September about a way to recognize the Paris 2024 Olympic boxing bronze medallist form Kennetcook.

Warden Eleanor Roulston thought it was a great way to honour Sanford’s accomplishment of winning bronze, making Canada, Nova Scotia, and especially his hometown in Hants North very proud. It also put them on the map, she said.

“Generally speaking, everyone in the municipality is so proud of everything that Wyatt has accomplished,” she said in an interview with The Laker News.

“It just seemed like a no brainer, a natural fit that the municipality should honor Wyatt by presenting him with the keys to the municipality. It’s something we discussed at an earlier meeting and set the wheels firmly in motion today (Oct.8).”


At a council meeting in September, MEH council made a motion to proceed with recognizing Olympic medalist and East Hants resident Wyatt Sanford with the key to the municipality.

Staff prepared a report, and they recommended at the recent council meeting in October that they do ana ward for $250 and event up to about $500 with details to be determined and a date/location to be announced.

The key to the municipality’s been awarded three times previously in recent history. Buck 65; Enfield’s Classified; and Olympic medalist Tracy Cameron, then from Shubenacadie.

“It seems to be right in the pattern here that we would have another Olympic medalist,” said Jo Swinemer, with the municipality.

It was noted the key Sanford gets would not be the same as the other three received as they were handcrafted and the person who did that has passed away.

This means the municipality will have to source something out likely through a trophy type company and have something that could be consistent going forward.

“We’ve looked into some of that options and staff will make a decision on that,” added Swinemer. “We’ll prepare an event based on wide availability and, and council’s availability going forward.”


Roulston was asked about the discussion that occurred at council as it took place earlier then the scheduled time on the agenda as council moved through quickly on this day when we stopped in to cover council.

“It’s the key to the municipality but it doesn’t actually open anything,” she said.

“It’s a symbolic thing to honour Wyatt and to showcase what he has done to put the municipality on the map and to honour his accomplishments.

“Just to show him and so everyone in the general public that Wyatt is someone from East Hants and someone that East Hants is proud of. “

“Wyatt is such a classy guy. He is a true gentleman. He is a credit to his family, his community, to the municipality, and to the entire country, in my opinion.”


A further discussion was had on the new process and if it was the perfect time to put out a casting, Councillor Michael Perry thought it might be.

“Seeing where we have to go through a new process, would this be the opportune time to maybe put out a casting or something such as the municipal key so that we can have it for forever,” he asked.

“Rather than going to a trophy company which could change and change.

“Basically, we get the design approved and then be sent off in that manner. Would that be appropriate?”

It was said that is something that could be looked into.

The motion to get the key to MEH for Sanford and hold an event costing up to $500 was passed unanimously.

Councillor Perry made a motion for his ask, which also passed unanimously.