BEAVER BANK: Motorists travelling along Beaver Bank Road will have to make do with the rough crossing of the train tracks by Windgate Drive for a little while longer, much to the chagrin of the local councillor.
Speaking at the train tracks on a nice late October day, Lisa Blackburn said what does or doesn’t happen at the site all depends on the result of Integrated Mobility Plan that comes out the first week of December. That’s why she has not yet approached CN about her concerns any further.
“Once we find out what’s in that plan with regards to Commuter Rail, then we’ll know for sure if this stretch of track factors into it at all,” said Blackburn. “If it doesn’t factor into it at all, then I want CN to do something about this.
“Whether that’s paving it over completely, rip up the tracks, whatever it is. This is an ongoing problem that seems to have no solution.”
Residents are so fed up with the roughness of the crossing they installed a sign by the intersection saying as much. The sign is no longer there. At a rail crossing in Mount Uniacke that are not in use, it was paved over.
She has been on CN’s case for some time.
“I’ve made so many calls to CN that I’m sure there’s a guy there that runs for the break room every time he sees my number come up,” said Blackburn.
“He knows what I’m calling about.”
Blackburn said the final outcome of what can be done at the tracks all comes down to what the Integrated Mobility Plan tells councillors.
“If this is going to factor into it, that would be fantastic,” she said. “I would love nothing more than to have a little commuter rail station right here in Beaver Bank, and take all these cars off the road.
“I’m a big supporter of what commuter rail could mean for reducing the number of vehicles that travel onto the Peninsula everyday. I look forward to seeing what the Integrated Mobility Plan has to say.”