FALL RIVER: The weather held off and hundreds lined Fall River Road and Highway 2 to take in the annual Fall River Lions Christmas Parade on Nov. 26.
Those along the route also brought food donation items for the Lions Christmas Express food drive, which was collected by the Girl Guides while monetary donations were dropped in water jugs carried along the route by the Lockview High Dragons hockey team.
PHOTOS: Lions Xmas Parade in pictures

VIDEO: The start of the parade
VIDEO: The parade nearing the end

Reporter Pat Healey was in the parade–the selfie-stick carrying Elmo was him–while Editor Abby Cameron and volunteer helper Olivia Dube snapped photos during the start and at the end of the parade.
The parade is put on for the community and a lot of thanks is owed to Lion John Bona and the volunteers who take time out of their day to help out on the day of and assist with the parade.
It doesn’t end there, the Christmas spirit continues as the Fall River and Area Business Association host their annual Christmas Tree Lighting on Dec. 2 next to the Tim Hortons in Fall River. Santa will be making an appearance! Things kick off at 6 p.m.
The tree will be lit at 7 p.m. If the weather doesn’t co-operate, the rain/storm date is Dec. 3.