WAVERLEY: Two boys, dressed as mummy’s, chase each other at Halloween on the Green in Waverley on Oct. 19. The event was another success with 100-plus children coming and participating. (Healey photo)

Ash Connolly, 3, had no problem sitting still and being covered by leaves at Halloween on the Green. His smile says it all in how much fun he’s having. (Healey photo)

Luke Burbidge of Waverley rolls around in the leaves during the build a scarecrow activity at Halloween on the Green, held Oct. 19 in Waverley. (Healey photos)

Seven-month-old Everett LeBlanc of Waverley looks unsure of what to think of being placed between two scarecrows and on some hay bales during the Halloween of the Green event, held Oct. 20 in Waverley. It was organized by the Waverley Community Association. (Healey Photo)

A young boy helps a girl becoming a mummy by wrapping her in toilet on Oct. 19 during Halloween on the Green. The WCA-organized event was very well attended. (Healey photo)

Violet, Ava, and Georgia Manley stand for a photo on a bale of hay at Halloween on the Green in Waverley, held on Oct. 19. (Healey photo)

A young boy and girl pack leaves into jeans that makeup part of a scarecrow they were creating as one of the fun activities at Halloween on the Green in Waverley. The WCA-organized event took place on Oct. 19. (Healey photo)