FALL RIVER: It may not have been the way they all had envisioned it, but the graduating students of Lockview High made the most of dressing up for their “prom.”
While there would be no actual prom due to public health restrictions as a result of COVID19, that didn’t stop many students from donning their tuxedos and dresses and heading in for pictures at Halifax’s Public Gardens on June 25.

The students made the best of the situation and made use of the tuxes and dresses they had already purchased before COVID19 had even been a thought, and before schools were shuttered and eventually proms and traditional graduations tweaked to follow the guidelines. Many were seen with ear-to-ear smiles as the day allowed them to forget if for a little the way the year concluded.
The weather was perfect for the day, allowing many to capture memorable moments of their senior year under a hot summer June sun.

For more of our photos from covering Prom at Halifax’s Public Gardens, see our Photo Gallery. We will update it with photos from the community grad celebration when we have downloaded those photos after Monday.
Lockview High had a community celebration for the graduates planned for later today, June 29 at Scotia Speedworld. Look for further coverage on this on our website this week.
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