MAIN PHOTO: Five Lockview High grads all agree this was the best class ever. The Fall River high school graduated 270 students during two ceremonies on Thursday June 27 at MSVU. (Healey photo)

BEDFORD/FALL RIVER: Lillee Watson wanted her fellow Lockview High graduates to “soak up the moment” as they turn the page on their high school journey onto what is next ins tore for each and every one of the 270 of them.

Watson was among the graduates that crossed the stage in a morning and afternoon session at Mount Saint Vincent University in Bedford for Lockview High on June 27.

Besides the diplomas, there were special awards presented and a grad performance to get things started from Anika Turner and Kaitlyn McQuillan. The duo performed For Good.

Watson had an inspiring message for her fellow peers.

“Every page we have turned in, every word we have written defines who we are in this moment,’ she said. “And being here today represents maybe a page or just a paragraph in your story.”


She said being here today means it is time to celebrate us, and the accomplishment of reaching the finish line.

“Years of learning new equations and life lessons all wrapped themselves up to this moment,” said Watson to the crowd of proud parents, family, and siblings.

“These caps and gowns are a symbol and representation of achievement and success, achievement that would not have been possible without those here today.”

She gave a thank you to the teachers who over the last 13 years challenged them to be their best selves and really pushed them when we needed it most.

“Thank you because I know you did not get it enough,” she said. “Thank you parents for feeding, clothing, sheltering us always.

“Thank you and grandparents for raising those who raised us and doing a damn good job.”

LHS Valedictorian Lillee Watson. (Healey photo)
Proud parents with their son Xavier Paris. (Healey photo)


Watson said this is “an extremely exciting moment.”

“Graduates, soak it all up,” she said. “We already crossed the stage, but when you did it, I hope you did it with pride and excitement for the chapters ahead.”

She said that next year they all move on and they’re not at high schools anymore. It’s what most people think.

“ I think we still will be high schoolers just as much as we’ll still be middle schoolers and elementary students,” she said. “And we’re still going to be that little kid that walk into primary that first day with our outfits of the year and our meticulously picked out backpacks.

“ However small you were that day. I know the little you is cheering you on and is so awfully, really proud.”

(Healey photo)
A happy graduate. (Healey photo)


Watson spoke of the chaotic final year for the graduates.

“Although the last year may have been a tad chaotic with plans next year prom and now grad. Cherish it. Hug the ones you may not see for a while, and even the ones you’ll see tomorrow because an extra hug never hurt,” said Watson.

“Be cognizant this is the last and only time they will all be together here. With those we love, celebrating us and amongst the chaos of today.

“Forget the unknown of tomorrow. Celebrate with friends. You were the ones who were sitting next to them.”

She had one final message for all who were crossing the stage on this day.

“Being here today is an accomplishment which deserves to be celebrated,” said Watson.

“Turn the tears into laughs and the bitterness of being over into gratefulness.”

Grads toss their caps (Healey photo)
Grads seated awaiting their row’s turn to cross the stage. (Healey photo)
Nanda Fletmate and Abby Lewis share a hug after the graduation ceremony for LHS at MSVU was complete. (Healey photo)


Principal Kelly MacLeod told the grads they are a special graduating class. To her because they all arrived at LHS four years ago and began their journeys as Dragons.

“Let’s be honest, our first year of Lockview was a little fascinating to say the least,” she said referring to the pandemic and restrictions. “Two long periods a day masks. No extracurricular activities or sports. No visitors in the school.

“But each year got a little better. And I’m happy that your graduating year felt more traditional.

“As your principal, it has been a privilege to watch you grow, learn, and navigate all the changes you have seen over the past four years with grace, courage, and strength.”

A happy grad day for these two. (Healey photo)
A bursary is presented by the Legion. (Healey photo)


MacLeod said that none of the grads had an easy road to get to this point.

“Each of you had a unique journey and all of you had to overcome challenges to reach graduation,” she said. “Some of you have suffered tremendous loss. Some of you have endured discrimination in the form of racism, homophobia, and or transphobia.

“Some of you have had to work to support your families financially while going to school. Some of you have felt significant pressure from others and or yourselves to achieve a certain academic standing, or to be a certain kind of athlete.

“ Some of you have suffered significant trauma. And some of you have had to overcome serious illness, and at the very least, each of you had to navigate complex friendships and other relationships over the past four years.

“I want you to know that amidst all of this, we have seen you. We see your resilience and strength, and we know that you work hard to be able to cross this stage.

She had one final message for the grads to takeaway from her speech to them.

“Whether you’re heading to university or college, entering the workforce, traveling or exploring new opportunities in a gap year, remember that you are enough just as you are,” she said.

After the recessional, many of the grads got keepsake photos with their families and fellow grads in between the rain drops outside or inside on the main floor.

The Laker News had hoped to have a list of the individual awards presented to grads, however we were not supplied it by time this was published.

Principal Kelly MacLeod moves the top of a grads cap. (Healey photo)
Proud family photo following graduation. (Healey photo)


(Healey photo)
(Healey photo)
Moms and their sons after graduation. (Healey photo)


There were lots of family photos after the grad ceremony took place. (Healey photo)
This grad is ear-to-ear smiles getting her diploma. (Healey photo)
Kaitlyn McQuillan performs the Grad Performance of For Good with Anika Turner. (Healey photo)