BEDFORD: Lucas Taylor of Fall River, who dons the Bedford Barons jersey, made this Harbour Storm player feel like he was just hit by a transport truck during the two teams NSMBHL games on Oct. 6 at the BMO Centre in Bedford.
The Barons lost the game 4-2 to the Storm.
Taylor is one of a couple locals on the Barons.
Connor Wilkin of Waverley is the other known local on the squad.
(Healey photo)

Harbour Storm’s Josh Penney tries to get under the skin of Bedford Baron Max Hilton-King during a scuffle in the two squads NSMBHL game on Oct. 6. (Healey photo)

Fall River’s Lucas Taylor keeps an eye on the play as he is open for a pass in the Harbour Storm zone during NSMBHL play on Oct. 6 at BMO Centre in Bedford. Taylor’s Bedford Barons fell 4-2 to the last-place Storm. (Healey photo)