Advanced Education Minister and Waverley-Fall River-Beaver Bnak MLA Brian Wong speaks with Lyle Mailman of the Woodbine Community nonprofit society at Brown Hall. (Healey photo)

BEAVER BANK/FALL RIVER: The province understands that growth and development in areas such as Fall River and Beaver Bank means an increase in population at area schools.

That’s what Premier Tim Houston said in answering a question from The Laker News during a stop in Beaver Bank at Brown Hall before touring the riding with MLA and Advanced Education Minister Brian Wong on July 9.

Houston was asked about the developments that are going on in Beaver Bank and Fall Rover, leading to potentially more students coming with their families.

That could lead to schools that are already at capacity or overcapacity getting more students, with a couple of Fall River schools using modulars already due to capacity issues.


Premier Tim Houston speaks with a Woodbine Community nonprofit society member and Lyle Mailman after arriving at Brown Hall to start his tour of the riding with MLA Brian Wong. (Healey photo)

Houston was asked if the province would commit to building new schools in the Fall River/Beaver Bank area, with the growth and development that’s going on here to meet the needs of schooling.

He responded saying that the infrastructure needs that come with growth are pretty significant sewer, water, schools health care infrastructure, etc.

“Those needs are significant, and they’re real,” said Houston. “We talk about planned growth investing in infrastructure to be ready for the growth. Education is part of that for sure.”

He spoke of the $1 billion in investment in school renovations that the province announced as part of their capital budget.

“We worked closely with the Centers for Education to see what the requirements are for the area,” he said.


Houston said the province is looking ahead to the future.

“As we look out to the planned growth, there will be new schools coming to HRM,” said Houston.

“Overall, it’ll be new schools coming to many parts of the province, and we’ll try to work with the Centers for Education to make sure those are in the proper places.

He said the area where Wong represents is growing, and that means the schools are too.

“But this is an area (Fall River/Beaver Bank) where there’s a number of schools in the family and some have capacity and some are getting close to capacity,” he said.

“We’ll work with the Center for Education to make sure we do what’s right for the people.”