FALL RIVER: On Aug. 31, Mayor Mike Savage paid a visit to Fall River, coming to the HRM community to make a pair of presentations as well as to go on a tour of the area with Councillor Steve Streatch.
After grabbing a coffee and talking with some patrons at the Tim Hortons, Mayor Savage, Councillor Streatch and The Laker News—who was invited along for the short tour—headed out.
The firsts top was at the Good Day Café building where Streatch spoke to Savage about the bigger pipe installed as part of the Fall River water project. He mentioned how it will allow further phases to begin promptly when funding is available.
As the two looked at the water pipe, some curious eyes from littles inside the daycare and that off an adult peered out watching their every movement.
The expansion areas being looked at include Fall River Village; St Andrews Village; and Schwarzwald.
Of course, feedback from those respective areas will be sought to see if there is any want for city water to come to those areas.

The next stop was Station 45 to see the career firefighters that are now providing coverage 24/7 for the Fall River area, including the Halifax Airport.
Part of that coverage involves having Quint 45 at the station, a ladder truck. Both Streatch and Savage had a few socially distanced photos taken, with masks on outside the truck. They then got in the truck and did get a feel for what it is like to use.
After that it was off to make a special presentation to a Fall River youth for her involvement with The War Amps. Watch for a story separate on this.

We then headed to St. Thomas Anglican Church where a cheque was presented from HRM towards the purchase of an electronic sign. A photo was taken, while socially distancing as best as they could and with all with masks on.
Watch for a separate story on this in the coming days.

The final stop was at the Fall River Dairy Queen where Mayor Savage heard the concerns of the need to bring transit into Fall River or have a link of sorts from Peggy Rust, franchisee of the business.
This would mean having the Transit Service Boundary extended, something that is supposed to come to council this fall/spring.
Streatch also learned how to make a Blizzard from Rust, while Savage looked on. Savage took the time to speak to a couple of the employees who were there readying for the day.
After the chatting was done, it was time for Savage to head back for meetings in Halifax while Streatch had a campaign team meeting before he went in and officially filed the nomination papers for the Oct. 17 municipal election.