FALL RIVER: The local councillor provided a short update on a proposed development set for Ingram Drive in Fall River—one that has raised the ire of some residents who live in the neighbourhood.
The residents are so concerned about what may be taking place in their community they have created a Facebook page, “Stop Proposed Commercial Development on Ingram Drive, Fall River Village.”
Steve Streatch said the development being proposed is talking about multi-level, high-density housing and a light industrial use which is self-storage units.
“Currently, the application has not moved along to the point its before Community Council or Regional Council,” he said. “I am not sure what the delay is.
“I can tell you clearly that I have had several people from the community saying they want the opportunity to comment on how this may or may not affect their local quality of life and indeed traffic and other concerns within their community. I want to assure those residents that opportunity will be forthcoming.”
Streatch said a public meeting will be scheduled so all feedback from the community can be brought forward.
“At this point in time, the application is still in the very early planning stages,” he said.