MOUNT UNIACKE: Uniacke fire posted a thank you to local mutual aid departments and community members last week.
The thanks was in response to a “tricky brush fire” in the Mount Uniacke area, which required plenty of man power.
“We would like to take a minute to thank our dedicated community, partner agencies and fellow fire departments spanning from Sackville to New Minas and everywhere in between, for all the assistance rendered enabling us to get a tricky brush fire under control and keeping everyone fed and hydrated,” the post on their Facebook page said.

Among the agencies that responded included the Department of Natural Resources ground and Airborne crews; EHS; East Hants RCMP.
Mutual aid assistance came from Station 10 (Sackville); Station 11 (Sackville); Gore fire; Rawdon fire; Brooklyn fire; Windsor fire; Kennetcook fire; Greenwich fire; Port Williams fire; Hantsport fire; New Minas Fire.
Food was provided by Uniacke Pizza and McDonalds Windsor. Serenity Acres Farm also provided help.
“Anyone that lent a hand big or small we are sorry if we missed you, thank you so very much and know that we appreciate each and everyone of you,” the post added.
Uniacke fire ended their post with the following:
“As this wave of hot weather persists the ground and forests are extremely dry. Therefore a Province wide burn ban remains in effect today, burning is not permitted.
“The burn ban includes the use of fireworks. If you see a fire please call 911.”
More on if you can burn or not at:
They added a reminder for local residents as well.
“If working in the heat remember to stay hydrated with water and take frequent breaks,” the department said.